The Cutting Room has completed the first fully produced film in SA shot on the Red One Camera. Directed by AFI nominee Matthew Phipps (9:13, Poh Ling) and shot by multi-award winner Nick Matthews (Broken Hill, 2:37), Jackie’s Spring Palace is an absurdist comedy about a lone pirate’s battle with The Almighty.

Jackie’s Spring Palace presented almost every conceivable test that the Red One Camera system could be put through - low-light, bright daylight, over-cranking, under-cranking, hot shooting conditions, 4K and 3K resolutions.... The Cutting Room provided full technical support for the system, following the digital pipeline through from data wrangling to a 2K DPX online output and all without losing a single frame.

During post production several digital pipelines were tested including the use of Red’s own proprietary software, Crimson, Rubber Monkey, Final Cut Pro, Shake and After Effects. Since completing the film, The Cutting Room has upgraded it’s HD online editing system to fully support Red RAW using Da Vinci Resolve and has developed a simple post work flow that maximises flexibility for productions while keeping budgets down.

Click here to view the trailer.


Low resolution stills taken from the film.

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